To all students concerning the River of Life Leadership and Word Ministry School Book Report:

-- Copy/paste from the website onto an email to send to the director, If your report seems too long to be put into an email (this applies to all work sent to the director), put it on your word processor and then put that on your email as an attachment.

-- Leave the items numbered below in bold lettering on your report to distinguish clearly what you have written from the items the director has written.

-- Items listed below for you to report on may not appear in all the books of the Bible. In such cases, just leave that item blank; but do leave that item on your paper. Your report will also be evaluated concerning what you left blank.

-- In some books, SO many of the items will be available to report that you would be writing a book if you wrote them all!   In that event, you may just choose many of the more outstanding points to record. You will, however, be evaluated on what you thought to be outstanding and what you left out. You are expected to weigh them all and then choose from among them what to record.

-- Sometimes students find it helpful to color code (or choose symbols) verses according to the below items that they related to while reading and then go back through the book when it is time to record so that it is easy to find the points discovered previously.

-- In each item, you must have not only the verse references but also an explanation of why this verse reference applies to that item.  Never just list verse references after the item. Explain what the verse says.

To level 2 students:

-- Students aged 12 through 15 or those who just recently became a Christian may choose to do only items 1 through 6; all level 2 students are also welcome to choose to do all or some of the remaining items.

-- Students 12 to 15 not yet allowed on the Internet may give the director very neatly written reports. Their parents/caretakers must print the report forms from the Internet for them, or (better yet), the parent can put the report on a word processor for that young person and then send the completed report in an email for them.

-- There is no minimum length for level 2 students.

To level 3&4 students: 

-- Sometimes the Director will make a special report form for a particular book or add some additional item(s) to this book report form.

-- You must have verse references reflecting the study throughout the entire book.  Give verse references for each point you make.

-- When you copy/paste into an email to send the report to the director, it would be wise to also keep a copy of your report on file so you can use it in months and years to come for the time you do write, teach, and /or preach.

 -- A good measuring tool for the length of book reports for 3 and 4-level students: A minimum of three, but preferably four, printed pages (which would include the items below).   Use size 11 lettering.   Reports on longer books may need to be longer; reports on short books (e.g., Jude, 3 John) could be much, much shorter.   DO NOT copy/paste the “notes to students” portion of this report form onto your report.   If you choose to include the entire passages and/or verses in your report, those verses are not to be counted for what they add to the page length – it is your commentary that needs to fill the pages, not the verses.

-- If you use a point from a Bible commentary, Bible study source, or someone’s sermon, SAY SO.

Especially to level 4 students:

-- Remember, the richest source of sermon material, i.e., the material you can share with the most authority and authenticity, is that which you have understood for yourself in your Bible studies and/or that which you have experienced for yourself to be true in your everyday life and/or /or that which you have seen fleshed out in the lives of others you know!  If you are an active Word Minister student, when you do sermons  (both now and when you enter into a place of Word ministry), use sparingly quotations from others and a lot of quotations straight from the Bible.  Avoid spending long periods reading something from a source other than scripture when teaching and/or preaching.  Fivefold ministers preach THE WORD! Fivefold ministers learn how to study and to know the Word for themselves. Fivefold ministers receive revelation knowledge from the Spirit when reading the Word.  More often than not use the study material from others to CONFIRM what you see in the Word, not to determine what you see and /or to “blindly” receive what someone else sees simply because it is difficult for you to trust your own ability to hear from the Lord.

-- You may find it helpful to store and use your finished reports as a lifetime Bible study journal in which you go back to add more insight.



River of Life Leadership and Word Ministry School Book Report  (rev. 2/1/2024 rb)


Dates:  From  00/00/0000     to  00/00/0000             This cycle of schoolwork due  00/00/0000     

1.  Name of book:

     Date written:

     Written by:

     Written to:

     Main message/purpose:


2.  Promises this book contained for me (at least five if five can be found):

3.   Instructions (at least, five if possible) from God as to how to think, feel, do, and be that I must obey in my life today:

4. Character study -- Do at least three if possible. You may choose to use a person, a nation, a tribe, or a defined group of people (e.g., “The Pharisees” or “the Ephesians”).

For each character you choose, address the following:

             A.  Name:

             B.  Tell at least one story about that character.  (Verse references are not required for B here.)

             C.  How would you describe that character’s nature? 

             D.  What did you most admire in that character?

             E.  What did you respect the least in that character?

             F.  What should the character have done in their feelings, thoughts, and/or deeds to be more pleasing to the Lord?


            A.  Name:   

            B.  Tell at least one story about that character. (Verse references are not required for B here.)

            C.  How would you describe that character’s nature?

            D.  What did you most admire in that character?

            E.  What did you respect the least in that character?

           F.  What should the character have done in their feelings, thoughts, and/or deeds to be more pleasing to the Lord?


           A.  Name:

           B.  Tell at least one story about that character. (Verse references are not required for B here.)

           C.  How would you describe that character’s nature? 
           D.  What did you most admire in that character?

           E.  What did you respect the least in that character?

           F.  What should the character have done in their feelings, thoughts, and/or deeds to be more pleasing to the Lord?


5. Use verses, passages, or stories (at least three if possible ) that show the nature of God. Include specific terms that would describe His nature following each Bible citation. 


6. Was there a doctrine in the book that changed your thinking from what it was before? Were there revelations or teachings you already knew that were deepened in your understanding? Did you encounter a doctrine or teaching new to you?

7.  If an Old Covenant book, discuss passages pointing to Jesus Christ



8. If a New Covenant book, passages that were given in the Old Covenant book are fulfilled in the New Covenant book. 

9. State prophecies from this book awaiting fulfillment in the future.


10. State passages that affirm the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. 


11.(Optional) What did you learn about human nature? Include the passages involved, the name of the person or people, the situation, and the insight into human nature.