River of Life Leadership and Word Ministry School Study Plan



 1.        Genesis.  Matthew

 2.        Exodus.  Mark

 3.        Leviticus.  II John.  III John Sabbath

 4.        Holy Spirit - the Baptism, Fruits, Gifts

 5.        Numbers.  I Peter

 6.        Deuteronomy.  II Peter

 7.        Salvation including Evangelism and Missions

 8.        Joshua.  Hebrews

 9.        Judges.  Ruth.  Romans

10.        Deity of Christ and Prophetic Words in the Word concerning Him

11.        I Samuel.  I Timothy

12.        II Samuel.  II Timothy

13.        Praise and Worship including various expressions of Worship (Song of the Lord, Dance, Singing in the Spirit, Shout, Clap, Raise Hands, Bow down, etc.)

14.        I Kings.  I Thessalonians

15.        II Kings.  II Thessalonians

16.        Habakkuk.  I Chronicles

17.        II Chronicles.  Galatians

18.        Ephesians - "What is Church?" and the ROL Brochure in its entirety

19.        Esther.  Nehemiah.  Luke.  Ezra

20.        Job.  Philippians.  I Corinthians

21.        Jonah.  Deliverance

22.        Psalms.  Ecclesiastes

23.        Proverbs.  James.  John

24.        Haggai.  Song of Solomon.  Isaiah

25.        II Corinthians.  Water Baptism

26.        Jeremiah.  Lamentations.  Philemon

27.        Ezekiel.  Jude

28.        Zephaniah.  Obadiah.  Colossians

29.        Nahum.  Communion

30.        Racism.  Acts

31.        Micah.  Amos.  Titus.  Hosea.  Joel

32.        Zechariah.  Malachi.  I John.  Women in Ministry

33.        Daniel.  Revelations


Fall feast month topic:  Jewish\Christian Connection - Each year at the time of the Jewish Fall Feasts, our school will be centered on topics related to our Jewish roots and\or the Jewish people.

A Comprehensive Bible Study Library - As either a leadership or Word Ministry Student, you are expected to develop a comprehensive Bible study library so you can thoroughly study each book and topic.  As soon as possible, include Bible software on your computer.

King James Version of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible- Purchase a King James Version of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible as soon as you can.  It contains a vast array of study material.  When you are tested on the books, it is the KJV that will be used in quotations and word definition requests.

Other important books-- As you build your library over time, be sure to get a Bible Dictionary, an excellent standard English Dictionary and Thesaurus, some good commentaries, a complete concordance, a thorough Hebrew and Greek to English dictionary, and a few other Bible translations for a richer perspective on what has been written.

       (Be sure to always note on your bibliography which books, commentaries, etc. were used so you don't take credit for another's ideas.)