River Test Two

Announcements 10 25 24

Note  what is happening on 10/30– this coming Wednesday 

10/26:  Minister Hannah Scheider’s birthday offering 

10/27 through 11/16:   Ministry trip to Argentina:    , Rosemary, leave 10/27 and you, my church family, will see me again on 11/16.   I will once more be ministering in various churches in Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina ( and in some surrounding towns). 

Robert will be in charge of all services from  11/3 through 11/13;  Cliff Baker will be making sure someone is  ministering the Word  on  11/3, 11/6, 11/9, and 11/13. 

10/30:   After prayer and the offering, Robert is requesting that everyone go to our home at 1854 Gratiot NW and help him with work in the garage.   The Children’s church will have their class during that time. 

11/2:  Pastor Karen Cook’s birthday offering 

11/9:  Deaconess Tracy Menninga’s birthday offering.   

11/6:  Hannah Schneider teaches the Adult Bible Class. 

11/16:  After the second service, Karen Cook will be directing us in the work of putting the shoeboxes together for Operation Christmas Child. 

11/27:  Cliff Baker is in charge of the service and will also be the speaker. 

11/30:  ROLLWMS meets after the second service..   Students minister in the first service. We will have communion in the second service. 

Because there is no ROLLWMS in December, the next  study cycle will not begin until January 1, 2025. 

12/4:    Karen Roark is teaching the Adult Bible Class. 

12/11:  Clean up night 

12/14: Christmas program 

12/21:  Minister Jacob Menninga’s birthday offering:12/21 

12/21: Christmas caroling downtown 7:30 PM 

12/25:  Christmas.    Robert and Rosemary will be ministering .  Kingdom Youth Force and Powerhouse in the sanctuary. Children’s Church will meet.  We will have a light lunch in the fellowship hall after the service.  It would  be great if you would bring  side snacks and desserts – we will provide sloppy joes and drinks.  

1/1/25 :ROLLWMS study work resumes:  The books are Micah, Amos, Titus, Hosea, and Joel. 

1 /4/25 :We celebrate the 45th anniversary of River of Life Ministries 

1/8/25 & 1/11/25:   Robert and Rosemary plan to be in  Florida to be with E.G. (his birthday is 1/8/25).  

2/10 :  Work from both 9/29 to 11/30/24 and 1/1 to 1/25 is due . 

We have a new rotation for prayer leaders for Sabbath at 9:30 AM and Wednesday at 6:30 PM:Robert, Annie, Jacob, Rosemary, Edie, Dylan, Karen C, Hannah, Cliff . 

Start of service prayer leaders and Wednesday night speakers: 

Hannah is overseeing the prayer rotation schedule; let her know when you cannot take your turn.  Hannah.Menninga@gmail.com 

Wednesday night service speakers: Let me,  Rosemary, rbarnesrol@aol.com  , know if you cannot keep a scheduled speaking time. I will make sure someone speaks for the time you cannot do it.  The speakers are  Cliff and Annie Baker, Karen Roark, Karen Cook, Karen Vander Vliet, Jacob Menninga, and  Hannah Schneider. Richard Menninga is a backup speaker.